Thursday, June 14, 2012

Beetroot-Apple Cleansing Juice

There are numerous detoxification and cleansing program in the market, some may require certain restrictions on your diet for a short period of time - for 4 weeks or more. This is to get rid of the toxins in your body which have been accumulated from the preservatives, colorings and other additives to the foods you consumed, the chemicals, heavy metals that you exposed to at work or from home, the allergens from environmental or food sources and the drugs both medicinal and recreational. Cleansing program on the other hand may only require one to two weeks.
Both programs will have guidelines to follow:
  • Eat low-fat foods, no deep fried foods or fatty snacks
  • Drink at least 6 glasses of water per day
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits
  • Eat plenty of vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts
  • Eat plenty of rice and potatoes for carbohydrate intake
  • Eat organic fruits, vegetables, chicken, lamb but not beef or pork
  • Refrain from coffee, tea, cola and chocolates
  • Refrain from alcohol
  • Refrain from sugar and sugar-containing foods
  • Refrain from gluten-containing grains, such as wheat, rye, barley and oats
  • Refrain from dairy products except natural acidophilus yoghurts
Some herbal teas like dandelion tea is especially good to increase liver function. A soluble-fiber supplement, such as psyllium husks - which favouritely mixed into  honey, drinks and juices will not only help to absorb the toxins but also helps constipation problems.
lf you intend to follow any detoxification program for more than a few days, please seek professional advice from either your doctor, a qualified nutrition consultant, a qualified herbalist or naturopath to assist you through the process and to help  monitor your health especially if you have existing health issues.


1/2 Beetroot
1 Apple (medium sized)
1 Pear (medium sized)
1 tablespoon of psyllium husks
1 teaspoon of honey (optional)
1. Wash and cut the beetroot, apple and pear into smaller pieces (to fit in the extractor)
2. Put the chopped beetroot, apple and pear into juice extractor.
3. Stir in the psyllium husks.
4. Drink it immediately (otherwise the psyllium husks will curd).
(The beetroot helps to increase liver activity while the psyllium absorbs toxins and eliminate from the body.)
Enjoy your drinks and share it with your family and friends!

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