- Genetic factors
- Obesity
- High salt intake
- Stress
- Excessive drinking
- Lack of physical activity
Common Symptoms
- Chronic headache
- Fatigue
- Nose bleeds
- Shortness of breath
- Diseased kidneys
- Frequent urination
- Blurred vision
- Mental tension
- Palpitations
Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
Garlic is an effective remedy for lowering your blood pressure. It helps relax the blood vessels by stimulating the production of hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide. Make a paste of crushed garlic and consume it with buttermilk. You can also eat 2 or 3 raw garlic cloves daily.
Papaya is very effective in controlling your blood pressure. Eat a papaya on empty stomach daily in the morning, do not eat anything for atleast two hours after eating papaya. Repeat this process daily for a month and yield good results.
Watermelon Seeds
Watermelon seeds are very effective in reducing the blood pressure levels. The cucurbocitrin, a compound present in the watermelon seeds helps widen the blood capillaries and also improves the overall kidney functioning. Take some dried watermelon seeds and grind them. consume one teaspoon of this mixture daily on empty stomach in the morning and again in the evening.Onion Juice
An antioxidant flavonol called quercitin present in the onions helps to lower down your blood pressure. Mix equal amounts of honey and onion juice. Take two tablespoons of this mixture twice a day for atleast two weeks.
Vitamin C, an antioxidant present in the lemons is helpful to prevent capillary fragility. It is a rich source of Vitamin P that is found in both peel and juice of a fruit. Drink warm lemon water in the morning daily on an empty stomach.
Eating bananas regularly helps to control the blood pressure. The potassium present in the bananas helps to lessen the effect of sodium. Eat one or two bananas daily.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is very beneficial in controlling the blood pressure. According to a 2005 study of West Indian Food Journal, the potassium, magnesium and vitamin c present in the coconut water helps in decreasing the systolic blood pressure. Also it is very important that the people who are suffering with high blood pressure, must stay well hydrated. Drink atleast 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
Vegetables & Fruits
Eat atleast three servings of vegetables and fruits daily. The calcium, potassium, fibre and magnesium present in the vegetables and fruits helps in keeping the arteries healthy.
Almond Oil
Consume one teaspoon of almond oil with a cup of milk daily before going to bed.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are the rich sources of potassium and fibre, which makes this an effective remedy for high blood pressure. Take one or two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and add them to a cup of water, Boil it for two minutes and then strain it. Put the seed in the blender and make it as a fine paste. Consume this paste twice a day, once in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening. Continue this remedy for 3 months to notice desired results.
Consuming two teaspoons of honey daily in the morning on an empty stomach can be helpful in reducing the blood pressure levels.
- Do some physical activity
- Cut down salt intake
- Avoid tension and try to be relax
- Say good bye to hydrogenated oils for cooking.
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