Toenail fungus is a fungus that builds under the toe nails, like the name suggests. It is common among the older generation. It usually lifts the nail and then distorts the shape of the toe nail. With time, the condition becomes so severe that it becomes difficult to wear shoes. The usual way that people approach to treat toe nail fungus is by in taking medicines. The fungi cannot be destroyed easily. The reason being that there structure is more like animal cells when compared to virus and bacteria. Therefore, the medicines that are usually bought over the counter have to be very powerful. So powerful that it will kill the fungus and also possess the power to kill the patient as well. Among severe effects of such medicines are liver damage and sudden death.
The medicines are both expensive and life-threatening. So, those who are seeking for a different option may try out Oregano oil. Oregano belongs to the mint family and is known as Origanum Vulgare scientifically. This common species of oreganum is native to western Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. It thrives best in warm- temperate weather conditions.
Components of Oregano Oil
The oregano oil contains powerful compounds like Thymol, Carvacrol, Terpenes, Rosmarinic acid, Naringin. Tocopherols, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese, vitamins C, A, and niacin. Research shows that thymol is a natural fungicide. When it applied two to three times daily, it can eliminate certain kinds of fungal infections that affect finger nails and toe nails. As oregano contains thymol, oregano oil potrays the same properties. The oil is a strong antibiotic and also an antifungal. It is so strong that it can burn stomachs and ears. So, instead of eating it, it has to be applied directly to the affected area.
Initially, it will lose its angry red color. This may take a few weeks. Then it will start to shrink. With time, it will shrink so much that affected person can wear shoes again. You may choose to continue using it for a few more weeks if you are scared that the fungus may grow back. That way you can be sure that it is dead. The oregano oil is many people favorite antibiotic as it helps with deep infected wounds. The oregano oil is effective on pets too. If your pet has a bad abscess somewhere on its body and you don’t realize it until it pops and drains, just tap oregano oil on the wound and skin around it. If it is applied twice daily for about two weeks, the wound will shrink. This works on dogs as well.
Where to Get Oregano Oil
Oregano essential oils can be bought more any departmental stores, pharmacies or local grocery stores at a very considerate price. Many people make it at home too. The process to make it is easy. First, take fresh oregano and then chop it up to bits. Then, put the chopped leaves in a jar, preferably am glass jar, and cover it with olive oil. After that, take a pot of cold water and keep the jar in it. Bring it to a low simmer; simmer for about one half hour; allow it to cool. Finally, drain the oil off and store it in a separate container.
Things to Consider Before Using Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is dermal irritant. This means it can cause irritation after use. Skin may become swollen or inflamed. It can also burn delicate parts of the body like the stomach and ears as already mentioned earlier. To avoid such a situation, the oil can be diluted with olive oil. This will reduce its strength but still be effective enough to kill fungus. Another solution could be to use it in small doses. It is advised that while handing the oil, try not to make direct skin contact with it. Always consult with a doctor before using any sort of home remedy as it may trigger allergic reactions. Undeniably, the oil is very helpful but the dosage should be decided by a certified practitioner.
The oregano essential oil is used daily for various purposes by many people as a remedy for toe nail fungus. New uses of the oil are being found with time. It works like a miracle for people and is a boon to the society.