Monday, May 25, 2009

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Cause of Allergies

So what is the cause of allergies? Allergies are simply your immune system overreacting to substances in the environment. So the best way to stop allergies is to fix the mechanism that controls this overreaction.

What is this control mechanism? It is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands

called cortisol.

You may have heard of cortisol. It’s best known as the hormone your body produces when you’re under stress. But cortisol is much more than just a stress hormone. In fact, one of the primary functions of cortisol is to regulate your immune system.

When your body’s making the right amount of cortisol, your immune system hums like a well-oiled machine. But when your body makes too much or too little, problems arise.

Too much cortisol results in a weakened immunity. (That’s why you’re more prone to catch a cold when you’re under stress.) And too little cortisol results in an overactive immune system that releases histamine and other inflammatory substances, causing allergic symptoms such as pain, fever, sneezing, itching, and more.

What Causes This Deficiency?

As I mentioned earlier, cortisol is made by the adrenal glands. When your adrenal glands are strong, they produce plenty of cortisol. But when the adrenal glands are overstressed, they become fatigued, and cortisol production plummets.

Unfortunately, this is very common in today’s world. With today’s 24/7 lifestyle, people are under constant stress. Their adrenal glands work overtime to pump more and more stress hormones. This continues day after day, month after month, year after year, until finally the adrenals become exhausted. It’s no wonder that more people have allergies today than ever before!

The good news is that in over 90% of cases, adrenal fatigue is not permanent. In fact, you can restore your adrenals to perfect health in as little as 90 days! All you have to do is take remedies that strengthen them, while at the same time giving your adrenals a chance to rest and rebuild. I give you complete instructions on how to do it in your free report.

By the way, if you already know you have weak adrenals and have been unsuccessful at re-building them, you’ll really love this report. Why? Because it reveals the “missing link” that most alternative doctors leave out when they prescribe an adrenal support plan.

Find out all about it in your free report. Then get ready to start your new life — a life where you can do what you want without having to worry about sneezing, sniffling, and itching.

It’s just one of many health problems that you can make disappear for good — if you know the hidden cause that even many doctors aren’t aware of.

Fortunately it’s now easy to find out the hidden cause of what’s ailing you — simply by subscribing to REAL CURES.