Saturday, July 11, 2015

6 Health Benefits of Mulberries

Mulberries are delicious and nutritious, people all over the world enjoy it. Mulberries are a product of the Morus alba tree. Its leaves, which also contain nutrients and are even used as food for silkworms, are thin, glossy and light green; the fruit, like grapes, is red or white and grows in bunches called “drupes.”

Morus alba mulberry tree and fruit

1. Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants help lessen the damage caused by free radicals and the entire mulberry plant- leaves, stems, and fruit, contains antioxidants. One antioxidant in particular, resveratrol, has gotten much attention. Research published by the University of Texas Health Science Center credits resveratrol for positive effects on age and longevity. 

2. Immune System Support

Mulberries contain alkaloids that activate macrophages. Macrophages are white blood cells that stimulate the immune system, putting it on high active alert against health threats. 

3. Supports Healthy Blood Sugar

More formal research is appropriate, but mulberry is thought to contain compounds that support balanced blood sugar levels. Traditional medicine in China, Trinidad and Tobago have all used mulberry leaves to promote balanced blood sugar levels. 

4. Healthy Food!

Dried mulberries are a great source of protein, vitamin C and K, fiber, and iron. Best of all, they’re available in health food stores everywhere! Enjoy them as a great snack all by themselves or add them to your favorite trail mix. If you live in a warm climate and are lucky enough to have mulberry trees nearby, you can enjoy the fruit fresh off the tree. Not as tasty as the fruit, even the leaves contain protein, fiber, and nutrients! 

5. Resists Redness

Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have used mulberry as a remedy for swelling and redness.  A recent Romanian study discovered that a curcumin and mulberry leaf combination may be a new lead into natural remedies for this sort of irritation. 

6. Brain Protection?

Do mulberries offer anything to the brain? Researchers at Khon Kaen University in Thailand set out to answer that question by evaluating the effect of mulberry on male rats with memory impairment and brain damage. Although further investigation is required before mulberries can be declared a cognitive enhancer and neuroprotectant, rats that consumed mulberries had better memories and less oxidative stress. 

Magnesium deficiency

Could your health problems actually be magnesium deficiency symptoms? The symptoms can be anything from headaches to PMS.   Chances are you’re deficient in this mineral as more than 80% of the population is not getting enough magnesium.

Low magnesium is often overlooked, especially by doctors who rarely consider the role of nutrition and vitamins. Yet, there are hundreds of magnesium deficiency symptoms that this can cause, in addition to many diseases that can be exacerbated.

Almost a year ago, I went to my family doctor because I was having painful menstrual cramps every month.  I asked him what could be causing this and what I should do about it. His response was that it was genetic; there’s nothing that can be done. His only suggestion was to take an over the counter medication to deal with the pain. But, after researching this online, I found that menstrual cramps are one of the common magnesium deficiency symptoms. Eager to try this, I corrected my ratio of calcium and magnesium and within a month voila! No more cramps!
Sadly, doctors today know little to none about the importance of magnesium in the body and the resulting magnesium deficiency symptoms. Your best hope is to be your own doctor and research  magnesium deficiency symptoms to find out if this could be the cause.

Why Are we not Getting Enough Magnesium?

It is very hard to get enough magnesium through your diet, no matter how healthy you eat. This is because modern farming processes have depleted our soil of adequate natural magnesium. Also, there are many other factors that significantly decrease the amount of magnesium absorbed in our bodies. These include:
-Stress: Many of us experience high levels of stress on a daily basis. When we experience stress or anxiety, this causes our bodies to deplete our magnesium.

-Diet: Certain foods can also result in a decrease in magnesium such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. It has been estimated that it takes 287 molecules of magnesium to metabolize one glucose molecule.

-Medications: There are many over-the-counters and prescription medications that deplete magnesium. These include: birth control pills, diuretics, insulin, and antibiotics.

Why You Need Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that is responsible for numerous bodily processes. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies and is essential for carrying out over 300 reactions within the body.

Magnesium is commonly known for helping relieve constipation, but that is just one of it’s many crucial roles in the body. Magnesium is important for the functioning of your heart, muscles, kidneys, and balancing many other nutrients such as calcium and potassium. Having adequate magnesium levels has been found to ward off diabetes, prevent osteoporosis, and improve blood pressure.

12 Common Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:

1. Anxiety
2. Weak Bones
3. Low Energy
4. Weakness
5. Inability to Sleep
6. PMS and Hormonal Imbalances
7. Irritability
8. Nervousness
9. Headaches
10. Abnormal Heart Rhythm
11. Muscle Tension, Spasms, Cramps
12. Fatigue

These are just a few of the most common magnesium deficiency symptoms. Additional  magnesium deficiency symptoms include: constipation, vertigo, stiff and achy muscles, insomnia, and muscle weakness. There are many more health problems that having low magnesium can cause. If you think you may be experiencing a magnesium deficiency symptom, but it’s not listed above, make sure to do a thorough search online.

Additional Conditions/Diseases Associated with Magnesium Deficiency:

Much research has found that individuals with magnesium deficiency are at an increased risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, kidney stones, and restless legs syndrome, just to name a few.

How to Find Out if You’re Truly Deficient in Magnesium

When comes to determining if you have a magnesium deficiency, unfortunately, there is not a great way to find out, such as from a test. There are blood tests that can be used to check the level of magnesium in your body to evaluate if you have magnesium deficiency; however, they have been found to be inaccurate. This is because the blood serum tests only give a reading of the level of magnesium in your blood and only one percent of the magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood. Thus, you have to rely on making a diagnosis for magnesium deficiency based on magnesium deficiency symptoms, not a blood test.

It is best to look at the symptoms your experiencing and try supplementing with magnesium and evaluate whether it helped or not.

For me, after looking at the list of magnesium deficiency symptoms, I knew there were at least 3 that I had and it was likely that I had a magnesium deficiency. I also have some anxiety and I’m sure that was contributing to my decreased magnesium.

How to Increase Your Magnesium:

There are several ways you can increase your magnesium.
1. Use Epsom salts – Add Epsom salts to your bath or make a foot bath. Magnesium is highly absorbed through the skin (transdermally) .

2. Apply magnesium oil – Similar to Epsom salts, magnesium oil is made from adding the magnesium flakes (see them here) to water. You can add them to your bath, make a small mixture and spray it on your skin or rub it on with a washcloth. You can also, buy it pre-made.

3. Eat foods high in magnesium – such as leafy green vegetables and nuts. (however, with magnesium deficiency, it would be tough to raise your levels enough solely through diet) This is a helpful chart that lists foods high in magnesium.

4. Take a magnesium supplement.

My Experience with Treating Magnesium Deficiency:

After I started researching magnesium deficiency, the more I explored it, the more I thought I found the cause of my health issues. However, my doctor ignored me when I brought up the fact that magnesium deficiency may be behind my anxiety, menstrual cramps, or difficulty sleeping, so I had to find out for myself if my self-diagnosis was right. I started to increase my magnesium slowly, first by adding more green vegetables into my diet and taking baths with Epsom salts. This did make a great improvement and decreased the occurrence of my magnesium deficiency symptoms; however, I still felt that I wasn’t getting an adequate amount. So, I started making and applying magnesium oil, once every morning and this helped very much. After a full month, nearly all of my symptoms had been resolved.

When trying to increase your magnesium levels, you may need to use a combination of ways to ensure you’re getting enough. You can base this off your symptoms. Also, one sign to watch for, while you increase your magnesium, is diarrhea, if you’re getting too much this will occur.

Do you think you’re not getting enough magnesium? Have you experienced any of the magnesium deficiency symptoms?

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Natural Home Made Juice Recipe to Remove Gout and Uric Acid Crystallization From Your Joints

Gout is a kind of arthritis which is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. When the uric acid level in your blood is too high, the uric acid may form hard crystals in your joints causing a sudden attack of burning pain, stiffness and swelling usually in the big toe.
While there are drastic measures that can help in reducing the uric acid level in the body, such as pharmacotherapy and surgery, there is also a Natural way that can help remove Gout and Uric Acid Crystals. And the good thing about it is that, it is all Natural and safe.
Here’s the Ingredients you will need for the Home Made Anti- Gout Juice:
*1 medium- sized cucumber
(Cucumber is effective in removing uric acid crystallization in joints like with gout)
*2 stalks of celery
(In combination with ginger helps reduce inflammation during cleansing)
*A slice of lemon
(A natural diuretic that increases your urinary frequency)
1 inch young ginger root
  • Prepare the ingredients
  • Cut the cucumber into small pieces
  • Cut the lemon into half
  • Wash and cut the celery stalk into small pieces
  • Carve out the ginger root
  • Place all the ingredients in a blender
  • Drink and enjoy
Recommended to drink twice a day for faster results
- See more at:

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Great discovery by Dr. Warburg to manage your health and stay healthy

This drink saves lives and it has been proven in hundreds of studies, yet few people know that the drink is so amazing. People simply do not believe, probably because it is a very accessible and cheap food, but it really is so. Did you know that lemon and baking soda can be stronger than chemotherapy?
Why They Didnt Tell Us A Beverage That Is 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy!
The combination of lemon and baking soda are proven stronger “killer” cancer than chemotherapy for about a whopping 10,000 times. Why no one told us anything about this? Well, because there is no profit from healthy people.
They spend nothing. It’s that easy. Billions and billions of dollars that the pharmaceutical industry gets in their budget would no longer exist. Lemon is a proven anti-carcinogen. On the organism it produces a strongly alkaline environment in which cysts and tumors simply cannot dwell. Specifically, cysts and tumors feed on substances that create acidic environment in the body, and as long as the body is acidic tumor can grow. But as soon as you stop the flow of acidity in the body the tumor has no food and becomes stagnant. Therefore, soda combined with lemon is an exceptional fighter against cancer because of their effect is quite alkaline. Namely, combining it with coffee should be avoided and of course all the other ingredients of the body that creates an acidic environment and the result is certainly warranted. This magnificent fact discovered back in 1923 a German scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg, who for his cure for cancer even got the Nobel Prize, but nevertheless, people do not know the truth.
What was discovered by Dr. Warburg?
Dr. Warburg discovered that cancer is the result of anti-physiological lifestyle. Anti-Phuspt diets (with food that is acidifying) and physical inactivity of the body creates an acidic environment poorly oxygenated. Acidity cell displaces the oxygen from the cells, and the lack of oxygen in the cells creates an acidic environment. ‘If you have too high acidity, automatically will be missing oxygen in the body; if you lack oxygen, you will have acidified organism. The acidic environment is an environment without oxygen, spoke Dr. Warrburg.
‘And if you subtract 35% oxygen, cancer cells can create in just two days. Thus, the cause of cancer today is acidified organism and cells without oxygen. In his work “The metabolism of tumors,” Dr. Warburg showed that all carcinogenic forms fulfill two basic conditions: blood acidity and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). He found that the tumor cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen. Tumor cells can survive only with the help of glucose in the environment without oxygen. Therefore, cancer is nothing but a defense mechanism, which our cells use to survive in an acidic environment without oxygen. What affects the acidification of the body and the occurrence of cancer? The answer is very simple: food. Most people today, unlike twenty years ago, are eating food that is acidifying the body so it is not surprising that the occurrence of this disease is in the systematic increase.
What to eat in smaller quantities?
Refined sugar and all its derivatives. It is the worst, because there is no protein, fat, vitamins, minerals not only refined carbohydrates, which damages the pancreas. Its pH is 2.1 (very acidic).
Meat (all types), animal products – milk and cheese, cream, yogurt etc.
Refined salt, refined flour and all its derivatives such as pasta, cakes, biscuits and so on.
Bread, butter, caffeine, alcohol, all industrially processed and canned foods, which contain preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, stabilizers, etc.
Antibiotics and generally all drugs.
What to eat more?
Baking soda and lemon
All raw vegetables. Some are sour in taste, but in the body the change and become alkaline.
Almonds. They are very alkaline.
Whole grains: the only alkalizing grain is millet. All other grains are slightly acidic, but the ideal diet should be a certain percentage of acidity and should eat some crops. All grains should be eaten cooked.
Honey. It has a very high alkalinity.
Chlorophyll. Green plants contain chlorophyll which is very alkaline.
Water. It is important for the production of oxygen. Always stay well hydrated, drink small sips of water throughout the day.
Exercising. Exercising helps maintain the alkalinity of the body because it gives oxygen throughout the body. Sedentary lifestyle is destroying the organism.
Chemotherapy is death!
Although medicine has breakthorough knowledge of the research scientists, cancer is treated with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy often means death. It is acidifying the body to such an extent that the body reaches for the last alkaline reserves in the body to neutralize the acidity of sacrificing minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) that are embedded in the bones, teeth, nails and hair, and as a result of chemotherapy we have physical changes in patients. Chemotherapy acidifies the body so much that it promotes the spread of cancer, rather than cell destruction.
Therefore, if you are suffering from this disease, start alkalizing the body, in which baking soda that you can buy in any store is very helpful. It is known in the world of alternative medicine as a very good and effective cancer killer, primarily because of its alkaline properties.