Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Avoid processed meat

By Mike Adams

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review
of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer.
Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness:
Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives. Processed meats include bacon, sausage, hotdogs, sandwich meat,
packaged ham, pepperoni, salami and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are usually manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient known as sodium nitrite. This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite also results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body. And this leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for
those who eat them. A 2005 University of Hawaii study found that processed
meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. Another study revealed that every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 50 percent. These are alarming numbers. Note
that these cancer risks do not come from eating fresh, non-processed meats. They only appear in people who regularly consume processed meat products containing sodium nitrite.
Sodium nitrite appears predominantly in red
meat products (you won't find it in chicken or fish products). Here's a short list of food items to check carefully for sodium nitrite and monosodium glutamate (MSG), another dangerous additive:
* Beef jerky
* Bacon
* Sausage
* Hot dogs
* Sandwich meat
* Frozen pizza with meat
* Canned soups with meat
* Frozen meals with meat
* Ravioli and meat pasta foods
* Kid's meals containing red meat
* Sandwich meat used at popular restaurants
* Nearly all red meats sold at public schools, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and theme parks.
If sodium nitrite is so dangerous to humans, why do the FDA and USDA continue to allow this cancer-causing chemical to be used? The answer, of course, is that food industry interests now dominate the actions by U.S. government regulators. The USDA, for example, tried to ban sodium nitrite in the late 1970's but was overridden by the meat industry. It insisted the chemical was safe and accused the USDA of trying to "ban bacon."
Today, the corporations that dominate American food and agricultural interests hold
tremendous influence over the FDA and USDA. Consumers are offered no real protection from dangerous chemicals intentionally added to foods, medicines and personal care products.
You can protect yourself and your family from the dangers of processed meats by following a few simple rules:
1. Always read ingredient labels.
2. Don't buy anything made with sodium nitrite or monosodium glutamate.
3. Don't eat red meats served by restaurants, schools, hospitals, hotels or other institutions.
And finally, eat more fresh produce with every meal. There is evidence that natural vitamin C found in citrus fruits and exotic berries (like camu camu) helps prevent the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines, protecting you from the devastating health effects of sodium nitrite in processed meats. The best defense, of course, is to avoid eating processed meats altogether!
*[Ed. Note: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - a leading authority on healthy living --
is on a mission: to explore, uncover and share the truth about harmful foods and beverages, prescription drugs, medical practices and the dishonest marketing practices that drive these industries.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nasal Polyps and Chronic Hypertrophic Sinusitis

Nasal polyps most commonly refer to pale looking tumor like growths that arise from the mucosal 
surface of the nose and sinuses.
Patients who have these are often diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis. 
Those who tend to form thick “peanut butter” like secretions with stringy, tenacious mucus with polypoid mucosal changes may have allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. 
Those who have nasal polyposis or allergic fungal sinusitis have “chronic hypertrophic sinusitis”.

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose in 2 Minutes Developed by Russian doctors, this simple breathing exercise will help you clear a stuffy nose or get rid of nasal congestion in just a minute or two. 

This breathing exercise works for over 85% of people. Make sure to follow the instructions correctly.
Pinch your congested nose and walk fast with your blocked nose pinched and your mouth closed all the time.
You likely will be able to make around 20-30 steps. While walking, you should hold your breath until a strong urge to breathe.
Then sit down with your spine totally straight and focus on your breath.

After you release your nose, resume your usual breathing (not with deep breaths) and keep the mouth closed.
Hence, instead of taking a big inhalation, take a smaller inhale and then relax all muscles for exhalation, especially the upper chest and other respiratory muscles.

Take another (smaller) inhale and again relax. 
With each inhalation, practice this reduced or shallow breathing while remaining relaxed.

Your purpose is to maintain air hunger for about 2-3 min with total relaxation of body muscles. 

The breathing can be frequent during this reduced breathing or shallow breathing, but this is OK.

It may seem silly and too simple to get rid of a stuffy nose, but it works. Once you have cleared the nose, it is important to breathe only through your nose and not through your mouth. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies For Memory Loss

We definitely grow wiser as we age. But the risk of senility is imminent with growing old. Memory loss is one of the major concerns of people approaching their old age.

We live fast lives in the era of convenience. We end up consuming packaged foods and our body assimilates the harmful additives. The deficiency of essential nutrients worsens the scenario. All these factors together contribute towards sending our health down the hill. Memory loss is one such aspect. However, you can contain the degree of damage by indulging your mind in mental exercises and developing healthier eating habits. Problems associated with memory loss can be resolved to a great extent by following these simple home remedies to improve memory:
Home Remedies for Memory Loss
1. Vitamin Intake:
Insufficient vitamin intake can result in the onset of memory loss. Include in your diet the foods that are rich in thiamine, such as pistachios, sunflower seeds and asparagus. Vitamin E is also essential to maintain a healthy brain. Including spinach, tofu, avocado, etc. helps you retain your memory power even as you add on those years.
2. Hot Beverages:
Beverages like tea are a great source of anti-oxidants and facilitate easy access to the memory bank. So the next time you go grocery shopping, don’t forget to add a pack of herbal tea to your cart!
3. Berries:
Blueberries and strawberries not only taste delicious, but are also loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants destroy the free radicals present in our body. Free radicals cause damage to healthy cells, including those of the brain, leading to memory loss. So every time you have an urge to snack, drop that pack of chips and bite into a couple of berries instead.
4. Carrots:
Carotene is an important nutrition element for a healthy brain. Carrots are a rich source of carotene, thus an effective home remedy fro memory loss. Include carrots in your diet to see how it works wonders for your memory. Eat them raw or eat them cooked, for a sharp mind that refuses to forget!
[ Read: Benefits Of Carrots For Health ]
5. Go Nuts:
Nuts such as almonds, apricot, macadamia and walnut are rightly called ‘brain foods’. The natural oils in these nuts contain anti-inflammatory properties and protective nutrients that help keep your brain in good shape. So the next time you feel an urge to binge, go ahead and indulge yourself in a handful of nuts. They are wonder home remedies for memory power.
6. Whole For The Soul:
Whole grains and cereals have excellent nutritive values. They are high on dietary fibres as well. Go for whole wheat bread, multigrain bread, and muesli so that your brain gets optimal nourishment at all times.
7. Lecithin:
Lecithin is a type of fat that occurs naturally in plants and animals. It consists of several sub-components such as phospholipids, phosphoric acid, fatty acids, and triglycerides. Lecithin happens to be good for the memory bank of your brain. Include eggs, milk and soybean in your diet to keep your brain in tip-top shape.
8. Dish Out a Fish:
If you are a non-vegetarian, you have an excellent source of memory booster at your disposal. Fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies are packed with the healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids being anti-inflammatory agents have amazing health benefits. They help to keep the brain healthy and active, by preventing cell/nerve degeneration.
9. An Apple a Day Keeps Memory Loss at Bay:
Apple is indeed a great fruit. It’s rich in not only iron and vitamins but also quercetin. It is the peel of the apple that contains quercetin. It protects the brain cells from free radicals. Lab researches conducted on animals suggest that quercetin helps undo age-related memory problems. Other foods rich in quercetin are onions, cherry tomatoes, black currants.