Sunday, December 28, 2014

8 Simple Ways to Detox Your Body

1. Cut your sugar intake.

A seasonal detox is an effective way to clear your body of toxins, which will also speed up your metabolism and enhance your overall health. Start by decreasing the amount of sugar you consume, says Matt Dower, spa director at Mirbeau Inn & Spa in Skaneateles, NY. And that includes honey, molasses, and artificial sweeteners.
"If you eat more sugar, you ask your body for more insulin, straining your pancreas and wearing yourself out," he says. "In the long term, this kind of habit can cause you to become chronically fatigued, diabetic, develop cancer, and pack on excess weight."

2. Start with water.

Dower also suggests you drink a tall glass of water with juice from half of a lemon in the morning. "Lemon helps re-hydrate the system and promotes digestion, which will help the flow of waste out of your body," he says.

3. Move your body.
Regular exercise encourages circulation in the blood and lymph system, Dower says. Doing so will also enhance digestion, reduce tension, lubricate joints, and strengthen your body. It's a proven fact. "People who exercise regularly have far fewer total toxins in their systems," he points out.
4.Drink a lot of tea

"Not only is tea full of antioxidants, it hydrates you (especially if it's herbal) and fills you up," says Ashley Karr, a research psychologist and wellness coach. "This means you will be less likely to overeat or eat the wrong things!" Keep in mind, the caffeine in tea is different than the caffeine in coffee—it's gentler on your system. It'll also give you a pick-me-up minus the jitters.

5. Eat organic

Chad Sarno, research and development chef for Whole Foods' Health Starts Here initiativesuggests you reconfigure your diet this year. "A colorful variety of fruits and veggies should be the main focus of your diet, along with whole grains, beans and legumes, and small amounts of nuts and seeds," he says.
You should eat whole plant foods because processed foods lack the nutrients your body needs. Dark green vegetables, for instance, are full of micronutrients and are very low in calories, so you can eat a lot of them.

6. Combat environmental pollutants

Don't forget that pollution and allergens are all around you. They're in the air and can trigger allergy symptoms (such as yucky, puffy, red eyes). Dr. Travis Stork, host of daytime talk showThe Doctors advises you flush your nasal passages regularly with a Neti Pot. Doing so can eliminate the side effects of air pollutants and lead to better breathing naturally. If you use the Neti Pot before bed, even better—it will enhance your sleep.

7. Sweat it out in a suana

Forbes Riley, creator of fitness product SpinGym who you may also remember co-hosting Jack LaLanne's juicer infomercial, is a big fan of detoxing. It's how she lost her pregnancy weight gain at the age of 42 after giving birth to twins. She suggests you use a sauna regularly. "There's nothing more detoxing than sweating it out," she says.
8. Exfoliate

"Skin brushing and oil massages will help exfoliate the toxins from your skin and refresh circulation," says Christina Chodos, a certified health counselor and educator from Chicago, 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eating eggs is can be a great way to get your daily dose of nutrition.

Eating eggs can be a great way to give yourself a healthy boost. Packed with nutrients and rich in calcium, iron and protein, eating eggs is can be a great way to get your daily dose of nutrition. Here are some reasons why you need to eat eggs.
To boost weight loss: Contrary to popular belief, eating eggs can help boost weight loss. Including eggs in your breakfast can limit your calorie intake for the rest of the day by more than 400 calories.
To protect eyes: Eggs contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin -antioxidants which prevents the onset of cataract and early onset of blindness.
To lower blood pressure: The protein in the egg acts as an inhibitor, which can lower hypertension.
To improve reflexes: A study found that tyrosine, an amino acid found in eggs, helps improve the reflexes of the body.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Health is wealth: 10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Health is wealth: 10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Drawing of an outline of a body with the kidneys, ureters, and bladder labeled.
10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Kidney disease is one of the costliest illnesses in the world 

and managing kidney disease is very expensive.

Each year, lots of people die of kidney disease all over the world, and 

the number of people suffering from chronic renal failure, and need 
dialysis or kidney transplantation to stay alive keep increasing.

Statistics have it that, worldwide, millions of patients are waiting for kidney
transplants, but only a few thousands will receive transplants because of 

shortage of suitable organ donors.

Patients usually feel surprised when they are diagnosed with Kidney Failure.

Experts have found the explanation from your daily life habits.

Here are the top habits which lead to your kidney failure:

 Not emptying your bladder early:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys
Maintaining a full bladder for a long time is a quick way of causing bladder damage.
That the urine stays in the bladder for a long time can cause the bacteria breeding
in urine to multiply quickly. Once the urine refluxes back to ureter and kidneys, the
bacteria can result in kidney infections, then urinary tract infection, and then nephritis,
even Uremia.

So, no matter how busy you are, remember to drink a lot of water and urinate regularly.
Once you form the habit of holding back urine, it will ultimately damage your kidneys.

 Not drinking enough water:
       10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

The main functions of the kidneys are to regulate erythrocyte balances and 

eliminate metabolic wastes in urine. If we do not drink enough water, the blood 
will be concentrated and the blood flow to the kidney will not be adequate, thus 
the function of eliminating toxins in from blood will be impaired.

 Taking too much salt:
10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys 
95% sodium we consume through food is metabolized by the kidneys. Exceeding the
salt intake will make the kidneys work harder to excrete the excess salt and can lead
to decreased kidney function. This excess sodium will cause water retention, causing
edema. Edema usually elevates blood pressure and increases the risk of developing
kidney disease. The daily salt intake should be controlled within 6g per day.

 Not treating common infections quickly and properly:
 10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys
Common infections, such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, common cold etc, usually triggers
or aggravates kidney damage. They do this by causing an acute attack of acute
glomerulonephritis or chronic nephritis. So, you will see that people who get kidney
disease for the first time or whose illness condition becomes worse usually present in
hospitals with a history of cold or sore throat.

If after having cold, symptoms like blood in urine, swelling, headache, nausea, vomiting,
fatigue, poor appetite appear, you should consult your doctor immediately, to assess
your kidney functions, and start treatment if compromised.

 Eating too much meat:



Eating too much meat and protein can increase the metabolic load of the kidney.
For those suffering from proteinuria, meat consumption too may aggravate protein
leakage, worsening renal pathological lesion.
It is suggested that protein intake should be 0.8g/kg per day. This means that a
person with 50 kg should consume 40g of protein per day. Meat consumption per
day should be limited within 300g.

 Not eating enough:
10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys 

This is equally as dangerous as eating too much, both of them will lead damages
to your digestive organs where is full of mucosal tissues. Mucosal tissues relates
closely to your immune system. This is why many kidney failure patients are diagnosed
��utoimmune kidney damages��

 Painkiller abuse:   10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

The use of analgesics for a prolonged duration may reduce the flow blood and greatly
affect kidney function. In addition, patients with analgesic-induced renal failure are more
likely to suffer from bladder cancer.
Use analgesics only when it
�� absolutely necessary, learn to rest instead of taking to the
bottles. If you have been on pain killers for a long term, it
�� about time you had a test to
access you renal function done.

8. Missing your drugs:
 10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Hypertension and diabetes have been shown to precipitate or accelerate kidney damage, so if you are diagnosed as having any of these disease don
�� live your life in denial,
This will ultimately help control your condition while also helping to preserve your kidneys.

9. Drinking too much alcohol:

Drinking alcohol without limitation may cause the deposition of uric acid in renal tubules,
causing tubular obstruction and increasing risks of kidney failure.

10. Not resting enough:
In our society, hypertension as a severe threat to life is largely due to stress.
A common symptom of stress is insomnia. Blood pressure may increase by
an average of 2-5mg/Hg because of insomnia. Chronically elevated blood
pressure can cause damage to kidney capillaries giving rise to kidney problems.
Thus, we need to develop a good attitude to life and strike a good balance between
work and rest to protect your kidneys and live a healthy life.

At the early stage of kidney diseases, there are usually no the special symptoms,
so lots of patients are not diagnosed until the acute attack appears or the illness
condition develops into the late stage. So you should endeavor to do kidney function
test from time to time to assess how healthy your kidneys are.

Never ignore the soreness of waist, swelling of the feet, changes in urine color or volume,
increase in night urination, palor, high blood pressure and other such symptoms. 

  Once found, you should go and see your doctor immediately. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed.

The current health trend is drinking water immediately after getting out of bed. Scientist have confirmed the medical value of this to be completely beneficial to our health.

Screen Shot 2014-12-04 at 5.07.21 PM

Drinking water when waking has been linked to curing and prevention of certain disease and ailments such as headaches, body aches, arthritis, heart problems, epilepsy, obesity, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, gastritis, diabetes, constipation, uterine disease, ear and throat disease.
The Method:
  1. Upon waking, before doing anything else, drink four 6 ounce glasses or water. Remember if there is some reason you cannot hold this much water at one time, start with as much as you can and increase the amount.
  2. Brush your teeth and perform your morning oral hygiene routine, and then wait 45 minutes before eating or drinking anything.
After the 45 minutes is up, eat breakfast as usual, and then do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
Specific diseases
If using the above method, the research shows that the number of days the regimen must be followed to cure each disease.
High blood Pressure- 30 days
Gastric Problems- 10 days
Diabetes- 30 days
Constipation- 10 days
Cancer-180 days
Using this treatment method has no side effects other than increased urination at the beginning of the program. Drinking water and staying healthy and active are the ways that will better our lives.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Brain... Understanding a little of our Brain

Your Brain

The human brain is the single most complex thing in the known universe. Even in this time of medical wonders, we still have not been able to uncover the full secrets of this incredible organ. However, we do know some things about the most important organ in the body, and here are some interesting ones you should definitely know about:

1. The belief that humans only use 10% of their brains is incorrect. Each part of the brain has a specific function and the average person uses all the various parts of the brain.

2. Have you ever had such a headache it felt like your brain is going to explode? That's not actually your brain hurting, because the brain has no pain receptors at all. Mother nature assumes you don't need it because it's never exposed (thankfully) and is usually protected by our thick skull.

3.You must think that your buttocks are the fattiest part of the body, but it is in fact the brain with the most fat % in the body, about 60% of it is fat.

4. The brain has a texture similar to tofu, and enough liquid to fill a 2 liter (half a gallon) tank.

5. Thought creates 'pathways' that connect different parts of the brain. The more we repeat a thought, the more that pathway will become more central, wide and stable. That is why it is important not to think over and over about negative things, because they become permanent, and strong, pathways in your mind, and the chances are will force themselves on you more and more.

6. We think about 70,000 thoughts a day. A large part of these are 'automatic' thoughts that we repeat a lot, using our most 'established' thought pathways.

7. Most people dream about 4-7 dreams a night. 50% of those dreams are forgotten in the first minutes after waking. And the one we remember is usually one we were either just dreaming or a mix of all the dreams we had put together. No wonder they always seem so confusing.

8. Sleep is usually the time the brain uses to organize and put together the memories is accumulated throughout the day. And so, in many cases, before making big decisions it's better to 'sleep on it'.

9. The messages between the various brain cells (neurons) are passed in the form of weak electrical pulses. The brain creates 23 watt of electricity while awake, enough to light a lightbulb.

10. While we laugh, about 5 areas lit up in the brain simultaneously. So it's no laughing matter, laughing.

11. The reason tickling makes us laugh is that the brain becomes 'surprised' by this kind of touch, which is first interpreted as a threat. The uncontrollable laughter is actually a panic response by the body. That is why it's not possible to tickle ourselves.

12. The human brain has more 'wrinkles' and crevices than those of other animals. In this way, the brain gets more surface space, while staying at around the same size, and it is part of the reason for our increased intelligence.  

13. Brain cells, or neurons, are not only found in the brain, but exist everywhere in the body the brain needs to send orders to, and all of them are connected to the brain. 

14. Some archaeological findings think that our cranium has gotten smaller over the ages, but that doesn't mean our brain has become less powerful, only more efficient (see #12).

15. The brain alone uses 20% of all the oxygen we breathe and over 25% of the sugar we consume. Meaning, deep thoughts might cost the body resources just like sports can. Who said chess players are not athletes too?

16. The female and male sexual hormones cause a different brain to develop. Studies have found siginificant difference in the brain functions of male and female during social situations, decision making, pressure situations and more.

17. The brain isn't fully developed until the teen years are over. Multitasking, showing empathy and good decision making are some of the skills that develop a little later. This, we're sure you'll agree - explains A LOT.

18. The brain is constantly changing. Damage to one part of it may cause that part to change to a different location in the brain, especially if you are a baby or a child. Beyond that, every thought, experience or skill we encounter and learn changes the structure of our brain. 

19. Memories aren't built in a linear progression. We only remember 'pictures' or moments, and we put together a story from them ourselves. That is why it's tricky to trust your memory, because you may have done some 'editing' without knowing it.

Early to bed is a must for happiness

Going to bed early on a regular basis could be the key to a positive mood and to reducing anxiety, according to new research.
Going to bed early and keeping regular sleeping hours can reduce negative thoughts and worries, according to recent research at Binghamton University in the US.
The study involved 100 BU students who were asked to fill out multiple questionnaires and perform two computerised tasks intended to assess their levels of repetitive negative thinking by gauging how much they worry, ruminate and obsess.
They were also asked to respond to questions pertaining to their sleeping habits — what time they hit the hay and whether this was regular or staggered depending on exams and social events.
Those who described themselves as evening types, and those with short sleep durations and late bedtimes, reported experiencing more repetitive negative thoughts than those who kept a regular sleep schedule and slept for longer stretches, say the researchers.
Their findings also demonstrate that repetitive negative thinking is linked to sleep disruption and the research team strongly encourages those at risk of developing a mental health disorder to lend time to their sleep.
“If further findings support the relation between sleep timing and repetitive negative thinking, this could one day lead to a new avenue for treatment of individuals with internalising disorders,” says study co-author Meredith Coles.
Inspiration for the study came from the preponderance of links and associations between sleep problems and mental health troubles both minor and major, according to the researchers.
The study was published in the journal Cognitive Therapy and Research.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Avoid processed meat

By Mike Adams

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review
of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer.
Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness:
Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives. Processed meats include bacon, sausage, hotdogs, sandwich meat,
packaged ham, pepperoni, salami and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are usually manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient known as sodium nitrite. This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite also results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body. And this leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for
those who eat them. A 2005 University of Hawaii study found that processed
meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. Another study revealed that every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 50 percent. These are alarming numbers. Note
that these cancer risks do not come from eating fresh, non-processed meats. They only appear in people who regularly consume processed meat products containing sodium nitrite.
Sodium nitrite appears predominantly in red
meat products (you won't find it in chicken or fish products). Here's a short list of food items to check carefully for sodium nitrite and monosodium glutamate (MSG), another dangerous additive:
* Beef jerky
* Bacon
* Sausage
* Hot dogs
* Sandwich meat
* Frozen pizza with meat
* Canned soups with meat
* Frozen meals with meat
* Ravioli and meat pasta foods
* Kid's meals containing red meat
* Sandwich meat used at popular restaurants
* Nearly all red meats sold at public schools, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and theme parks.
If sodium nitrite is so dangerous to humans, why do the FDA and USDA continue to allow this cancer-causing chemical to be used? The answer, of course, is that food industry interests now dominate the actions by U.S. government regulators. The USDA, for example, tried to ban sodium nitrite in the late 1970's but was overridden by the meat industry. It insisted the chemical was safe and accused the USDA of trying to "ban bacon."
Today, the corporations that dominate American food and agricultural interests hold
tremendous influence over the FDA and USDA. Consumers are offered no real protection from dangerous chemicals intentionally added to foods, medicines and personal care products.
You can protect yourself and your family from the dangers of processed meats by following a few simple rules:
1. Always read ingredient labels.
2. Don't buy anything made with sodium nitrite or monosodium glutamate.
3. Don't eat red meats served by restaurants, schools, hospitals, hotels or other institutions.
And finally, eat more fresh produce with every meal. There is evidence that natural vitamin C found in citrus fruits and exotic berries (like camu camu) helps prevent the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines, protecting you from the devastating health effects of sodium nitrite in processed meats. The best defense, of course, is to avoid eating processed meats altogether!
*[Ed. Note: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - a leading authority on healthy living --
is on a mission: to explore, uncover and share the truth about harmful foods and beverages, prescription drugs, medical practices and the dishonest marketing practices that drive these industries.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nasal Polyps and Chronic Hypertrophic Sinusitis

Nasal polyps most commonly refer to pale looking tumor like growths that arise from the mucosal 
surface of the nose and sinuses.
Patients who have these are often diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and nasal polyposis. 
Those who tend to form thick “peanut butter” like secretions with stringy, tenacious mucus with polypoid mucosal changes may have allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. 
Those who have nasal polyposis or allergic fungal sinusitis have “chronic hypertrophic sinusitis”.

How to Clear a Stuffy Nose in 2 Minutes Developed by Russian doctors, this simple breathing exercise will help you clear a stuffy nose or get rid of nasal congestion in just a minute or two. 

This breathing exercise works for over 85% of people. Make sure to follow the instructions correctly.
Pinch your congested nose and walk fast with your blocked nose pinched and your mouth closed all the time.
You likely will be able to make around 20-30 steps. While walking, you should hold your breath until a strong urge to breathe.
Then sit down with your spine totally straight and focus on your breath.

After you release your nose, resume your usual breathing (not with deep breaths) and keep the mouth closed.
Hence, instead of taking a big inhalation, take a smaller inhale and then relax all muscles for exhalation, especially the upper chest and other respiratory muscles.

Take another (smaller) inhale and again relax. 
With each inhalation, practice this reduced or shallow breathing while remaining relaxed.

Your purpose is to maintain air hunger for about 2-3 min with total relaxation of body muscles. 

The breathing can be frequent during this reduced breathing or shallow breathing, but this is OK.

It may seem silly and too simple to get rid of a stuffy nose, but it works. Once you have cleared the nose, it is important to breathe only through your nose and not through your mouth. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

10 Effective Home Remedies For Memory Loss

We definitely grow wiser as we age. But the risk of senility is imminent with growing old. Memory loss is one of the major concerns of people approaching their old age.

We live fast lives in the era of convenience. We end up consuming packaged foods and our body assimilates the harmful additives. The deficiency of essential nutrients worsens the scenario. All these factors together contribute towards sending our health down the hill. Memory loss is one such aspect. However, you can contain the degree of damage by indulging your mind in mental exercises and developing healthier eating habits. Problems associated with memory loss can be resolved to a great extent by following these simple home remedies to improve memory:
Home Remedies for Memory Loss
1. Vitamin Intake:
Insufficient vitamin intake can result in the onset of memory loss. Include in your diet the foods that are rich in thiamine, such as pistachios, sunflower seeds and asparagus. Vitamin E is also essential to maintain a healthy brain. Including spinach, tofu, avocado, etc. helps you retain your memory power even as you add on those years.
2. Hot Beverages:
Beverages like tea are a great source of anti-oxidants and facilitate easy access to the memory bank. So the next time you go grocery shopping, don’t forget to add a pack of herbal tea to your cart!
3. Berries:
Blueberries and strawberries not only taste delicious, but are also loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants destroy the free radicals present in our body. Free radicals cause damage to healthy cells, including those of the brain, leading to memory loss. So every time you have an urge to snack, drop that pack of chips and bite into a couple of berries instead.
4. Carrots:
Carotene is an important nutrition element for a healthy brain. Carrots are a rich source of carotene, thus an effective home remedy fro memory loss. Include carrots in your diet to see how it works wonders for your memory. Eat them raw or eat them cooked, for a sharp mind that refuses to forget!
[ Read: Benefits Of Carrots For Health ]
5. Go Nuts:
Nuts such as almonds, apricot, macadamia and walnut are rightly called ‘brain foods’. The natural oils in these nuts contain anti-inflammatory properties and protective nutrients that help keep your brain in good shape. So the next time you feel an urge to binge, go ahead and indulge yourself in a handful of nuts. They are wonder home remedies for memory power.
6. Whole For The Soul:
Whole grains and cereals have excellent nutritive values. They are high on dietary fibres as well. Go for whole wheat bread, multigrain bread, and muesli so that your brain gets optimal nourishment at all times.
7. Lecithin:
Lecithin is a type of fat that occurs naturally in plants and animals. It consists of several sub-components such as phospholipids, phosphoric acid, fatty acids, and triglycerides. Lecithin happens to be good for the memory bank of your brain. Include eggs, milk and soybean in your diet to keep your brain in tip-top shape.
8. Dish Out a Fish:
If you are a non-vegetarian, you have an excellent source of memory booster at your disposal. Fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and anchovies are packed with the healthy fats known as omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids being anti-inflammatory agents have amazing health benefits. They help to keep the brain healthy and active, by preventing cell/nerve degeneration.
9. An Apple a Day Keeps Memory Loss at Bay:
Apple is indeed a great fruit. It’s rich in not only iron and vitamins but also quercetin. It is the peel of the apple that contains quercetin. It protects the brain cells from free radicals. Lab researches conducted on animals suggest that quercetin helps undo age-related memory problems. Other foods rich in quercetin are onions, cherry tomatoes, black currants.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oregano Oil Clears up Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a fungus that builds under the toe nails, like the name suggests. It is common among the older generation.  It usually lifts the nail and then distorts the shape of the toe nail. With time, the condition becomes so severe that it becomes difficult to wear shoes. The usual way that people approach to treat toe nail fungus is by in taking medicines. The fungi cannot be destroyed easily. The reason being that there structure is more like animal cells when compared to virus and bacteria. Therefore, the medicines that are usually bought over the counter have to be very powerful. So powerful that it will kill the fungus and also possess the power to kill the patient as well. Among severe effects of such medicines are liver damage and sudden death.
The medicines are both expensive and life-threatening. So, those who are seeking for a different option may try out Oregano oil. Oregano belongs to the mint family and is known as Origanum Vulgare scientifically. This common species of oreganum is native to western Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. It thrives best in warm- temperate weather conditions.
Components of Oregano Oil
The oregano oil contains powerful compounds like Thymol, Carvacrol, Terpenes, Rosmarinic acid, Naringin. Tocopherols, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese, vitamins C, A, and niacin. Research shows that thymol is a natural fungicide. When it applied two to three times daily, it can eliminate certain kinds of fungal infections that affect finger nails and toe nails. As oregano contains thymol, oregano oil potrays the same properties. The oil is a strong antibiotic and also an antifungal. It is so strong that it can burn stomachs and ears. So, instead of eating it, it has to be applied directly to the affected area.
Initially, it will lose its angry red color. This may take a few weeks. Then it will start to shrink. With time, it will shrink so much that affected person can wear shoes again. You may choose to continue using it for a few more weeks if you are scared that the fungus may grow back. That way you can be sure that it is dead. The oregano oil is many people favorite antibiotic as it helps with deep infected wounds. The oregano oil is effective on pets too. If your pet has a bad abscess somewhere on its body and you don’t realize it until it pops and drains, just tap oregano oil on the wound and skin around it. If it is applied twice daily for about two weeks, the wound will shrink. This works on dogs as well.
Where to Get Oregano Oil
Oregano essential oils can be bought more any departmental stores, pharmacies or local grocery stores at a very considerate price. Many people make it at home too. The process to make it is easy. First, take fresh oregano and then chop it up to bits. Then, put the chopped leaves in a jar, preferably am glass jar, and cover it with olive oil. After that, take a pot of cold water and keep the jar in it. Bring it to a low simmer; simmer for about one half hour; allow it to cool. Finally, drain the oil off and store it in a separate container.
Things to Consider Before Using Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is dermal irritant. This means it can cause irritation after use. Skin may become swollen or inflamed. It can also burn delicate parts of the body like the stomach and ears as already mentioned earlier. To avoid such a situation, the oil can be diluted with olive oil. This will reduce its strength but still be effective enough to kill fungus. Another solution could be to use it in small doses. It is advised that while handing the oil, try not to make direct skin contact with it. Always consult with a doctor before using any sort of home remedy as it may trigger allergic reactions. Undeniably, the oil is very helpful but the dosage should be decided by a certified practitioner.
The oregano essential oil is used daily for various purposes by many people as a remedy for toe nail fungus. New uses of the oil are being found with time. It works like a miracle for people and is a boon to the society.