Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Danger of instant noodles

Instant noodles are a convenient and tasty dish that is popular worldwide. The number one global consumer is China, and the United States is ranked sixth in instant noodle sales, with 4,300 billion units sold in 2013.

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In June 2014, a comprehensive study was published in TheJournal of Nutritionthat revealed the dangers lurking inside your cup of noodles. According to the international group of scientists, instant noodles are associated with cardio-metabolic risks, which mainly refer to the risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It seems that the handy and delicious dish comes at a price.
The study was conducted in South Korea, which has the highest per-capita number of instant noodle consumers in the world. Also, in recent years, a higher proportion of Koreans started developing conditions such as heart disease and obesity, so it seemed worthwhile to explore the reasons behind this decline in health.
A total of 10,711 adults (54.5% women) between the ages of 19 and 64 were included in the study. Their dietary patterns were analyzed by Hyoun Shin, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard School of Public Health, and his colleagues. Two major dietary patterns were identified: the “traditional dietary pattern”, rich in rice, fish, vegetables, fruit, and potatoes, and the “meat and fast-food pattern”, rich in meat, soda, fried food, and fast food including instant noodles. The researchers observed that people who ate traditional food, were more unlikely to suffer from high blood pressure. Fast food diet was associated with abdominal obesity, higher levels of LDL cholesterol (the ‘bad’ cholesterol), and high triglycerides, which all increase the risk of heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
When Shin looked specifically at instant noodles, the analysis showed that women who ate more than two portions per week had a higher chance of developing metabolic syndrome, which is linked to heart conditions, stroke and diabetes. The association was found even among young women who were slimmer and more physically active. The correlation was not observed in men.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cancer ... learn and conquer


Learn about cancer with the link I pasted above,

Hope it is helpful.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Brain food

Whether you want to improve your memory or simply eat healthy, studies have found that some food are beneficial for your brain .
brain-food-2Oily fish : Experts say that oily fish like sardines,
salmon and mackerel, is packed with
omega-3 fatty acids, is excellent for
your brain health. Eating oily fish twice
 a week is said to reduce the risk of
 brain problems as well as prevent memory loss.
Leafy vegetables : While dark green,
 leafy vegetables are great for overall health, they are
extremely beneficial for brain health. Be generous with your portions of
spinach and broccoli because they are packed with antioxidants,
 folate, beta-carotene and vitamin C — all important to keep your
 brain in good health and improve memory.
Eggs: The yolk present in eggs has a number of vitamins and minerals,
known to boost brain health. Also rich in iron, which creates red blood
cells that carry oxygen to your brain, eggs will keep you focused and alert.
They are also packed with vitamin B12 and iodine, which improve memory.
Green tea: Did you know that your brain is made up of more than 70% water?
 Which is why keeping it hydrated is extremely essential so that it functions
well. If you get tired of simply sipping on water, have a cup of green tea
 instead. Experts say that green tea increases mental alertness and also
 improves your memory. The antioxidants present in it also reduce the risk of dementia.
Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate contains flavonoids known to improve
cognitive skills. Flavonoids help create new neurons in the brain and
improve the ability to make new memories. Apart from this, they also
 improve blood flow to the brain. -Agencies

Thursday, September 18, 2014

What is MSG? Side effects explained

(NaturalNews) Did you know that a substance added to the foods you may be eating every day has been connected to a multitude of physical ailments, including everything from obesity to Alzheimer’s?

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And here’s the worst part: The food industry has been aware of this issue for decades yet uses this substance anyway. The troubling ingredient is monosodium glutamate. Read on to learn more about the hidden poison, commonly known as MSG, which may be lurking in your next meal.

What is MSG?

MSG, a salt form of a non-essential amino acid, is a flavor enhancer and common food additive. While many people exclusively associate MSG with Chinese takeout and salty processed meats, the truth is that MSG is contained in processed foods we eat every day, including salad dressing, barbecue sauce, bouillon cubes and canned soups and vegetables. It’s also an additive in many infant formulas and baby and children’s foods.

In short, MSG tricks the taste buds and brain into thinking that food tastes delicious. An excitotoxin, MSG works by triggering the brain to produce excess quantities of the feel-good drug dopamine. This allows food manufacturers to cut back on quality in order to increase their profits.

Unfortunately, the rush of good feelings caused by MSG doesn’t last, but the consequences do. MSG doesn’t just hook us by making food taste better. It is actually physically addictive, which keeps consumers coming back again and again. This not only leads to overeating but also wreaks havoc on the body’s comprehensive wellness.

Side Effects Explained

We’ve all heard of MSG headaches and nausea; this is often attributed to “MSG sensitivity.” Unfortunately, the problem goes far beyond that.

MSG has been linked to weight gain and even obesity by researchers. And it’s not just because MSG makes people want to consume more. In fact, groups of participants in one research study were restricted to the same caloric intake and physical activity, yet those who ate foods containing MSG were nearly three times more likely to be overweight than their non-MSG ingesting peers. (1)

Researchers have also connected MSG to liver and kidney damage as well as increased blood pressure. (2) (3) Furthermore, excitotoxins have been linked to brain damage, leading to a host of neurological diseases including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, lupus and many others. (4)

How to Avoid MSG

If you regularly rely on the “No MSG” labels on your food, it’s still likely that you are eating foods containing MSG. How? Because the FDA’s and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s regulations only require that MSG be disclosed when it’s added as a single ingredient. In other words, if MSG is added on its own, it must be listed on food labels. Otherwise, it may be lurking in your food under one of many seemingly innocuous names. The following items are likely to contain MSG (5):
  • yeast food, autolyzed or hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extract, textured protein (including TVP [textured vegetable protein])
  • hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, plant protein extract, hydrolyzed plant protein
  • soy protein (concentrate and isolate)
  • enzymes
  • dough conditioners
  • malt (flavoring and extract)
  • malted barley
  • sodium caseinate
  • calcium caseinate
  • gelatin
  • seasoning, spices
  • flavoring of any kind (may be listed as “natural flavors” or “natural flavoring”)
  • carrageenans
  • whey protein concentrate
  • hydrolyzed oat flour
  • bouillon, stock, broth
And don’t assume that it’s safe just because it came from the local health food store. Many “natural” and “organic” products also contain MSG.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

13 Natural Methods for Teeth Whitening

Appearance is not only important but good appearance like colour of your teeth reflects the state of your overall health. 

I remember the TV ad about the teacher who taught the kids about colors, and when she asked them what was the color of her teeth, they said yellow and beige but not white.

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Of course she was upset. Who wouldn’t be upset? Even if you maintain a perfect oral hygiene, the color of your teeth gradually darkens with age. However using natural methods, you can return your teeth to the perfect white color without going to the dentist.
White teeth and aesthetic mouth affect our overall appearance, the impression we leave, and our interpersonal communications. A study conducted in U.S. found that people with whiter and aesthetic smile are 30% more successful than people with a not perfect smile, get higher positions more easily, have higher confidence and radiate health and happiness.
But over the years, teeth may yellow or change color and lose their luster and whiteness. The reasons are varied, including smoking, age, genetics, injury, bad fillings, root canals, lack of oral hygiene, consuming foods that stain the teeth like wine, coffee , tea and some spices, consumption of acidic beverages such as soda or citrus juices that erode the enamel, some antibiotic treatments in childhood and fluoride.

Methods that will help you get whiter teeth:

There are a variety of treatments and products for teeth whitening: You can have teeth whitening treatment in clinic using laser or LED, or using whitening gel, and you can use household products including whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes, teeth whitening stickers or bottles containing whitening liquid which you apply to your teeth using a special brush.
It is important to remember that medical bleach (high concentration hydrogen peroxide based gel) is indeed very effective, but during the whitening teeth process there is oxidation of dentin (the inner layer of the tooth). The acidic substance may lead to irritation of the nerve, to pain and sensitivity. On the other hand, domestic products based on the low concentration of the active ingredient are washed away by saliva, so are less effective, and the results are disappointing and are not significant  for the long term. So what can you do?

1. Baking soda

Mix strawberries with baking soda: strawberries are rich in malic acid, which removes stains caused by cigarettes, wine, cola or coffee. Strawberries have many other fantastic healing properties which you can find in my e-book The Healing Berry Guide. This e-book will teach you how to transform your health with berries. Mix the pulp of strawberries with little baking soda and rub the mixture on your teeth. Leave for about 10-20 minutes and brush your teeth thoroughly. Please note – although baking soda whitens the teeth, it can erode the enamel layer, so don’t repeat this treatment more than once to twice a week.

2. Banana or orange peel

Rub the inner side of a banana skin or orange peel on your teeth, wait 10 minutes and brush the teeth well. The vitamins and minerals in the skin, including potassium and bromine, will whiten the teeth.

3. Apple cider vinegar and lemon

Squeeze approximately 1/4 lemon and add 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. Dip a brush in the mixture, brush and rinse your mouth well. The mixture can help remove wine, coffee or nicotine stains. Please note – excess acidity could erode the tooth enamel, so don’t repeat this treatments more than once to twice a week.

4. Coal powder

Dip the toothbrush in a container with coal dust, brush and rinse well with lukewarm water. Coal is a material that absorbs chemicals and toxins. It is able to absorb the acid stains, bacteria and plaque, and help whiten the teeth and removing stains.

5. Brush with salt

Dip the toothbrush in powdered salt, brush and rinse well. The salt disinfects and absorbs, and can remove light stains of wine or caffeine.

6. Gargle olive oil or coconut oil

These are antibacterial oils, rich in antioxidants that can help in cleaning, disinfecting and removing light stains from the tooth. Add a few drops to the brush or gurgle for a few minutes, and rinse well. You can also add a little bit of peppermint oil to disinfect.

7. Brush with pomegranate juice

The juice is rich in antioxidants and can help remove stains from the tooth. Dip the brush in natural pomegranate juice, brush and rinse well.

8. Don’t smoke

The nicotine leaves stains on the enamel and discolors the teeth. Avoid smoking or at least reduce the amount of cigarettes.

9. Don’t drink too much citrus juice

Consume citrus juices moderately, such as lemonade or orange juice: they contain pH which could erode the enamel and stain the outer layer of the tooth with the natural color of the juice. Try not to consume more than 2-3 cups per day.

10. Reduce the consumption of dark/staining drinks

Drinking lots of coffee, tea (including green tea and herbal teas), cola or red wine will stain the teeth and leave spots and greyish or yellowish residue on the tooth.

11. Don’t consume too much spices with vivid colors

The intense color of turmeric, curry, paprika and other spices indicates their healthy properties, but they can stain the teeth and therefore you should consume them in moderation.

12. Rinse your mouth with cold or lukewarm water

If you’ve eaten curry chicken, drunk coffee or smoked, rinse your mouth with cold or lukewarm water immediately after. This will help in removing pigments from the saliva and reducing their adherence to the tooth.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Balance Your pH to Heal Your Body

Some health experts believe that our pH balance is extremely important, others say it is essential, there are a few who clearly state that it is a matter of life and death. The only people who don't emphasize the alkaline/acidity balance as central to health are quacks that peddle a pharmaceutical pill for every ill, a drug for every bug.
As a naturopath and yoga therapist for over a decade I can say that pH balance is a top priority when I am working one on one with my students. Since most people are too acidic, teaching them how to return to a slightly alkaline state is a major piece of the healing puzzle.
pH stands for power of hydrogen, which is a measurement of the hydrogen ion concentration in the body. The total pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered to be neutral. A pH less than 7 is said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. Our ideal pH is slightly alkaline - 7.30 to 7.45. You can test your pH levels regularly by using a piece of litmus paper in your saliva or urine first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything.
By including pH balance in my approach to health and healing, through yoga and nutrition, I have seen repeatedly students bodies and minds rebuild on their own from all kinds of degenerative conditions that no one else was able to cure. I have found that addressing an over acidic system is fundamental to bringing the body back to vitality. As you will see it is key to balancing all other systems.
1. Digestive System - Most digestive disorders, such as indigestion, nausea, bloating, gastric reflux, are symptoms caused by excess acid in the gastric region and not enough alkaline minerals in the intestinal tract. If the alkaline minerals from enzyme rich foods are missing then the pancreas will become exhausted, and once the pancreas is exhausted, it loses the ability to decode the food and tell the body what to do with it. This will lead to a degenerative spiral of entropy where organs become confused and inflamed.
2. Circulatory System - Acidity is the principal cause of heart disease. It is well established that many fats are extremely important and essential for cardiovascular health. Good fats can actually help heal the inflammation that underlies arteriosclerosis. When the arteries thicken with plague it is not as a response to good fats, it is inflammation created by the internal acidic environment. The body responds to the acidity by lining the vessels with fatty plaques to prevent life-threatening leaks, which arrest imminent death, but strain the heart because the aperture for the blood to flow through is narrower. When the heart becomes completely exhausted, this is known as a heart attack.
3. Immune System - Acidic environments are breeding grounds for anaerobic pathogens whereas the high levels hydrogen of rich body fluids keep bad bacteria inactive. As the great scientist, Antoine Béchamp famously observed 'The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.' Whether bad bacteria and pathogens incubate or remain dormant, all depends on the ratio of cellular pH. The germ theory is a narrow view that has been adopted by the current medical establishment, which conveniently relies on a profitable cut, burn, and poison approach to sickness. Surgery, radiation, and pharmaceutical drugs are an invasive approach that is ineffective because they works against the body's natural functions to heal itself, and it fails to address the underlying cause and only treats the symptoms.
4. Respiratory System - When the tissues and organs are overloaded by acidity the transport of oxygen is strangled. This suffocation means the cells cannot breathe properly. Every cell in our body needs to breathe new oxygen and to clear acidic carbon dioxide to function correctly. When the ratio of acidity is too high then wastes in the form of mucus and infections and viruses build up in our lungs, which leads to colds, bronchitis, asthma, etc.
. Skeletal System - Arthritis is one of the most disabling diseases in developed countries. The word arthritis means "inflammation of the joint" and is used to describe pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. The two main form of arthritis are Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. Both forms are related to pH imbalance and accumulation of acid deposits in the joints and wrists. It is this accumulated acid that damages cartilage. When the cells that produce the lubricating synovial fluids and bursa fluids are acidic, this condition causes a dryness that irritates and swells the joints. When uric acid builds up it tends to deposit in the form of crystals, like broken glass in the feet, hands, knees and back. Osteoarthritis is not a 'wear-and-tear' condition. Arthritis can be arrested and reversed using a specific protocol that I have developed using alkaline minerals and Yoga.
6. Integumentary System - Commonly know as the skin. When the body's pH is out of balance then the build up of acid causes inflammation and the skin is less able to function as a natural barrier against infection. As a result, the skin tends to develop lesions and sores open to the surface of the body, and the formation of skin eruptions occur like pimples or rashes.
7. Nervous System - Acidity weakens the nervous system by depriving it of energy. This is also known as 'devitalizing' or 'enervation'. It makes the physical, mental, and emotional body weak.
8. Excretory System - This is also known as the urinary system. It is made up of multiple organs, the main one being the kidneys. The kidneys perform the task of filtering fluids and purifying our blood. If the body is overwhelmed by excess acids, compensatory mechanisms spring into action, one of them is the pulling of alkaline minerals from your bones and dumping them in the blood. If this occurs frequently enough, the minerals build up in the kidneys in the form of painful kidney stones.
9. Muscular System - When acidity increases in the muscle cells, it disrupts the metabolism breakdown of glucose and oxygen to energy. This means muscles perform poorly in an acidic environment. An alkaline system on the other hand allows for much better aerobic metabolism and energy for the body's recovery from strenuous exercise. I can often observe when someone is acidic from their breathing because they take large gulping inhales while doing the simplest tasks like walking and talking, which suggests their body finds it difficult to adequately deliver oxygen into the cells - a symptom of acidosis.
10. Reproductive System - Still much research is being done to discover the exact link between sexual dysfunction and acidity and also infertility and acidity. Many health experts that claim acidity is correlated with three different disorders in reproductive health:
1. Decreases male and female arousal.
2. Decreases sexual enjoyment and particularly female satisfaction/climax.
3. Decreases fertility and increases the tendency to miscarry.
There are many more diseases and disorders that are associated with an acidic condition - cataracts, osteoporosis, gout, cancer, migraines, constipation, morning sickness, stroke, allergies, diabetes, obesity, etc. With this awareness of how acidity affects us, we can all choose to make informed and empowered healthy decisions for wellness and inner peace through deeply strengthening practices like yoga and nutrition.
The above write-up is sourced with the link given below::

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

7 Dangerous Acts After Meal

dangerous acts after eat

* Don’t smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).
* Don’t eat fruits immediately – Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.
* Don’t drink tea – Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.
* Don’t loosen your belt – Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.
* Don’t bathe – Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
* Don’t walk about – People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
* Don’t sleep immediately – The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Men need Zinc for better sexual health

Many men suffer silently because of poor sexual health. Some may suffer from impotence and some others from infertility. As we live in this modern times, where many things escape our attention until it is a little late.
I remember reading somewhere that from 2007 to 2011 the fertility rate in U.S. alone declined around 9%, which resulted in the birth rate  in U.S. to be lowest in history and that childlessness 
rose from about 20% from 10% in the 1970s. Just imagine this trend continues, it will be a future problem. 

I read this article below which I think can help many men  to improve their sexual health:- 

If you are a man suffering from poor sexual health, including impotence, low sperm count and infertility, your body could be lacking the essential mineral zinc.

Broadly speaking, other than sexual health, zinc has many roles in the human body, notably on immune health, wound healing, skin health and sensory functions. It is involved in numerous bodily and enzyme functions.

Zinc can be found in high concentrations in different parts of the body, including the muscles, red blood cells, white blood cells, bones, kidney, liver, pancreas, heart, spleen, lungs, retina and skin. Significantly, the prostate and semen also have high concentrations of zinc, suggesting this mineral's importance in male sexual health.

In one of her books, Phyllis Balch, CNC, stated that the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for zinc is 15mg per day. Michael Murray, ND, was more specific in stating that the RDA for males aged 11 and above is 15mg per day.

Zinc and male sexual health

Zinc is needed for the healthy growth of the reproductive organs and the healthy functioning of the prostate gland. It also contributes to the healthy functioning of male sex hormones. In fact, according to Murray, "zinc is perhaps the most critical trace mineral involved in male sexual function. It is used in virtually every aspect of male reproduction, including the hormone metabolism, sperm formation, and sperm motility."

With its importance in male sexual health, it is no surprise that zinc deficiency can cause poor sexual health and function in men. Some symptoms of zinc deficiency include slowed or delayed sexual maturation, poor prostate health (including prostate enlargement), testicular atrophy, reduced testosterone levels, impotence, low sperm count, as well as infertility.

In cases of severe zinc deficiency, there could even be the total absence of sexual function.

Zinc supplements

Some research has demonstrated the usefulness of zinc supplements in improving male sexual health. In one study, men with initial low testosterone levels who took 60mg of elemental zinc each day (in the form of zinc sulfate) for 45 to 50 days had markedly improved sperm counts (8 million to 20 million) and increased testosterone levels. Nine of the 22 wives even conceived during the research period. Considering that the study lasted under two months and the subjects had suffered from long-term infertility, the quick results obtained were impressive.

Research has also found that zinc supplements could help prevent prostate-related health issues, for example prostate enlargement.

In terms of dosage, both Murray and Elson Hass, MD, wrote that, for men, 30 to 60mg of zinc per day could be used to help with specific health issues.

According to Murray, zinc is "probably the least toxic trace element". While zinc is generally not toxic, especially in amounts less than 100 to 150mg of elemental zinc per day, care should always be taken when consuming single-nutrient supplements, as these can often cause nutritional imbalances in the body. Excessive zinc intake, for example, can reduce copper levels in the body, which can in turn lead to anemia. Zinc and iron also compete for absorption.

Excess zinc intake can also cause immune suppression, dizziness, drowsiness, elevated sweating, lowered alcohol tolerance, premature heartbeats, loss of muscular coordination and hallucinations.


To be safe, get your zinc from foods which contain good amounts of the mineral. These include almonds, Brazil nuts, buckwheat, ginger, green peas, hazel nuts, lima beans, oats, parsley, peanuts, pecans, potatoes, pumpkin seeds, rye, sunflower seeds, turnips, walnuts, whole wheat, fish such as herring and sardines, beef, lamb, pork, liver, dairy products, egg yolks, poultry, shellfish, seafood, as well as oysters, which are particularly high in zinc.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/046786_male_infertility_mineral_deficiency_zinc.html#ixzz3CmxRsmQG